A simple ritual for manifestation

Happy New Year!

Celebrate the winter solstice and usher in the new year with this spell that we're using on the last new moon of the year, December 30th. This is a perfect timeframe to supercharge growth and renewal and we're pairing aromatherapy oils with the ritual and make it more potent.

Below is our guide to grounding your energy, getting clear on what you want and going for it without hesitation. The purpose is to step into new versions of ourselves without fear and you can follow below step by step or use it as a loose guide for your own ritual.

Suggested ingredients:

Step 1:

Begin by energetically clearing the area you are performing your spell in. I love using Palo Santo for smudging but you can use Sage, Selenite or anything that's available. Center yourself and cast a bubble of light protection around your area.

Step 2:

Settle down, feel the surface beneath you and once you feel grounded, dress your candle with Le Petit Skunk Parfum or your favorite aromatherapy oil to supercharge the magic. Our Le Petit Skunk fragrance is infused with essential oils that help clear away stagnant energy to make room for creativity while boosting clarity and intuition.

Step 3:

Once you’ve prepared your candle, carve a word or symbol into the wax to represent what you’re manifesting. This could be a feeling, energy, or something that you want to embody. 

Step 4:

Light your candle and grab your pen and paper. Answer the following journal prompts, writing everything you are releasing (last prompt) on a separate sheet of paper.

Step 4:

Grab your crystal or another ritual item if available and place it in your non-dominant hand. Create a mantra for yourself based on the answers to your questions and what you want to attract into your life. For example, if your goal is to bring in more creativity, your mantra can be something like:

Write down your mantra on a piece of paper and repeat it out loud three times, stating it with the belief that it is already happening.

Step 5:

Take the piece of paper with everything you are releasing and burn it in the candle, discarding any bigger pieces. Blow out your candle and close the circle, thanking the universe for assisting you.


Keep the candle near an altar or somewhere visible to remind yourself of your intention. You can make offerings to it throughout the month with anything that resonates. Repeat your mantra every time you apply your aromatherapy oil daily for a 28 day moon cycle and see what changed…then keep going! 3 months is an ideal period for experiencing lasting, tangible results.

Leave perfectionism out of the equation, remember to have fun and know that good things are happening and new doorways are always available to you. Let us know how it goes!



Erika xo

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